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Digital Imaging: Imagine the Possibilities
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Profile: Colin Byrne, “What do I love about digital imaging?”

The constant change of digital imaging and its ability to transform lives.

If it’s true that change is the only constant in life, then that’s a good thing, according to long time sales partner, and President of Loki Data, Colin Byrne. Colin’s been in the business of machine vision long enough to recall earlier days when the physics of imaging was reserved for high performing CCD cameras placed in applications considered niche by today’s standards. In those early days, imaging technology wasn’t a mainstay for manufacturing, not even a consideration for medical or life sciences imaging. And we’re just starting to see the undeniable benefits of high resolution and shareable digital imaging to bring to light what we’ve been missing – imaging that allows us to collaborate and share information between professionals for a second (or even third) opinion.

In this video, Colin talks about what’s exciting about the evolution we’re seeing with digital imaging and his expectations around what can only continue to be an exciting ride into the future.